Friday, January 18, 2008

Wilkommen! Bienvenue! Welcome...

Welcome to Les Bijoux Macabre, the blog for The Occult in Cinema, a seminar being offered at Emerson College this semester, Spring 2008. This blog will feature articles, links, musings and other resources for students and anyone else interested in the topics we'll be discussing. This is a public blog, so readers who are not enrolled in the class are also welcome to visit and participate. Students will be expected to participate regularly throughout the semester, responding to readings and posting their own thoughts and resources.

Although we will be looking briefly at the history of the occult in cinema, beginning with Melies and his interest in magic and illusion, we will mainly be concentrating on contemporary cinema from the 1960s onward. Experimental, mainstream and documentary forms will be screened and discussed, along with the social, artistic and cultural contexts pertinent to the various film texts. We'll mainly focus on American cinema but some British and European films will also find their way into the mix.

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