Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Abortion and the Occult

This website is primarily a pro-life organization's platform, but the occult angle discussed is simply fascinating.

Though it may be tempting to dismiss the writing as emotionally manipulative and devoid of factual information or evidence, what may be more interesting is the analysis of why and how this article would in fact convince people of its "truths."

(Image: "Baby Satan" from Wikiality.com. See also "How to Make Your Own Satanic Baby")


caligula said...

i haven't looked too deeply into that website yet, but what sick pro-life f*ck was going around snatching up aborted children to feature them on the cover of their movie?
that's totally disturbing and not in a way that makes me want to outlaw abortion, but in a way that makes me want to stay away from pro-life psychos.

Peg A said...

I highly doubt that fetus/baby was "aborted." I would imagine it was born/delivered dead under perfectly acceptable (if sad) medical circumstances.

In any case, "abortion" of that type at such a late stage in development is not legal and never really has been.

caligula said...

point taken.
i think that image is really in poor taste, no matter the circumstance, but i'm not as outraged as i initially was.